Cadaveric organ donations are organs donated after a person has been declared brain dead or has had a cardiac death. The organs cannot be donated if they had cancer, HIV, Hepatitis B or C, TB and other diseases. The consent of a close relative or a person in lawful custody of the body is mandatory for organ donation even if they have pledged their organs and have donor cards. Brain dead donors can donate two kidneys, liver, heart, two lungs, pancreas, intestine, bones, and eyes.
Live organ donation occurs when a person is alive. If you are 18 years old or older you can donate your organs and tissues to close relatives. Relatives include parents, children, sister, spouse, grandparents and grandchildren. If you choose to be a living donor, you can only donate one of your kidneys and part of your liver.
Living donors can donate a kidney & portions of the liver to blood relatives and live a normal life
Brain death is caused by a severe injury to the brain, haemorrhage, or tumour. All the parts of the brain get damaged, cannot function and stop working. It is an irreversible condition. Vital body functions can continue by using an artificial support system that allows blood circulation to vital organs to continue and enable organ and tissue donation.
This happens when the heart and breathing stop. As a result, oxygen does not reach the rest of the body and all organs and tissues in the body suffer due to a lack of circulation and eventually die. After cardiac death eyes, skin, bones and other tissues can be donated. This is rare because the donor needs to be in the hospital and under specific circumstances for this to be possible.
Unlike brain death, a coma is a state of deep unconsciousness as a result of the brain being injured in some way. The brain continues to function and this is apparent in tests that are carried out. A person in a coma can breathe without the help of a respirator. The brain can heal while a person is in a coma. Coma is reversible whereas brain death is an irreversible coma.
Buying and selling or trading of organs is against the law and KDAH does not indulge in the trading or facilitating trade of organs. The public at large is warned not to fall prey to scamsters who promise money in exchange for organs.