Rheumatology is a specialty of medicine which involves non surgical care of musculoskeletal and autoimmune diseases. Musculoskeletal diseases involve the joints, muscles, bone and tendons. They are a major cause of disability and one of the most common ailments for which a person consults a doctor. Autoimmune diseases are conditions in which the immune system of the body treats its own tissues as foreign and tries to destroy them. Rheumatic diseases consist of more than 100 conditions that can have a profound effect on the ability to perform daily activities and damage internal organs. In the past, treatment of rheumatic diseases included just pain relieving medications and exercises, but in the last two decades, scientific knowledge has revolutionized the entire approach to management of these conditions.
A rheumatologist is a physician who is qualified, by additional training and experience in the diagnosis and treatment of arthritis and other diseases of the joints, muscles and bones. After four years of medical school and three years of training in internal medicine, rheumatologists devote additional two to three years in specialised rheumatology training.
Rheumatic diseases can be classified into the following groups:
Arthritis, if untreated, damages the joints leading to deformities and disability thereby restricting movements and functionality. Autoimmune diseases can irreversibly damage internal organs like kidney, lungs, brain and can be life threatening. Osteoporosis results in fractures with minimal injury and affects quality of life. The good part is that if treated timely, these diseases can be controlled effectively and damage can be prevented.
Though the exact cause of many arthritis and autoimmune diseases are unknown, there are specific risk factors.
Arthritis (which literally means inflammation of the joints) is characterised by pain swelling and limited movement of the joints along with stiffness which is worst in the morning for at least 30-60 minutes.
Autoimmune diseases lead to fever, rashes, oral ulcers and muscle weakness. Various internal organ involved can cause breathlessness, decreased urine output and convulsions.
Osteoporosis results in fractures at the spine, wrist and hip with minimal trauma.
In the past, rheumatological diseases were ignored and patients suffered from deformities and disability with many of them being wheel chair bound or bed-ridden. Also, the autoimmune diseases were often not diagnosed correctly with resultant damage to internal organs and also mortality. However, with appropriate expertise and care while utilising the best of currently available treatment modalities, we can effectively prevent the damage and improve patients quality of life and also prevent mortality.
Rheumatology services at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital comprises of a multidisciplinary team of experts, including rheumatologists, nurses, physical and occupational therapists, and psychologists. We have excellent Orthopaedic, Rehabilitation and Pain Management support to deliver the best to our patients. The rheumatology division manages about 10,000 patients per year and is very active in academics, research and paper presentations.
The clinical services are well supported with full range of diagnostic facilities, like Radiology, Nuclear Medicines Sciences, DEXA Scanner (for bone mineral density) and Comprehensive Laboratory facilities.We provide comprehensive care to patients that involves Patient Education, Dietary and Physical Activity Guidance, Physical Therapy, Medications, Intra-Articular and Soft Tissue Injections and Functional Rehabilitation.