Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Services in Mumbai

Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Centre in Mumbai

Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Treatment in Mumbai

Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Rehabilitation Therapy Treatment in India

Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

Physical medicine and rehabilitation services in mumbai

Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation


Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

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Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation

The Centre is equipped with latest cutting edge technology and can match with any of the rehabilitation facilities across the globe. The key technologies are:


A Robotic-Driven Upper Limb Orthosis, a Computer Enhanced Rehabilitation Device to improve hand and arm impairment for patients with brain injuries, neurological disorders or strokes


A Robotic-Driven Gait Orthosis, a Computer Enhanced Rehabilitation Device to improve walking in neurologically impaired patients

Gait & Motion Analysis Laboratory

Indias first of its kind in a corporate set up, the system consist of simultaneous data acquisition and analysis of four components: six infra red optical cameras capturing human motion in space, 16 channel telemetric EMG representing muscle activity, 2 force plates measuring joint angles and forces, and 2 video cameras capturing video in sagittal and coronal plane. The analysis helps in diagnosing abnormal gait and movement patterns, evaluating underlying causes and helps in targeting treatment strategies and corrective action. Gait analysis is useful for patients with neurological illness like stroke, Parkinsons disease, ataxia or orthopaedic problems like spastic cerebral palsy, amputation and arthritis. Motion analysis is utilized in sports rehabilitation for throwing, bowling or kicking analysis.

Multi-Joint Dynamometer With Work Simulator

As the name suggest the system serves two separate functions. The multijoint dynamometer can measure muscle strength of any major muscle group in three different modes; isokinetic, isotonic and isometric. This assessment helps in making rehabilitation program and strength training schedule for patients with sports or other injuries, targeting isolated weaker muscle groups specifically. The training can be initiated on the machine using isokinetic mode in the early stage after injury reducing the impact on the joint. Work simulator can simulate many activities like driving or plumbing etc. This gives objective evidence in performing functional capacity evaluation and disability assessment for workers compensation.

Balance Assessment And Training System (BATS)

Balance can be impaired because of somatosensory, visual or vestibular dysfunction. This system helps in evaluating the underlying cause of impaired balance in patients with neurological illness like stroke, Parkinsons disease, peripheral neuropathy or vertigo and sports injuries. Balance Master is one of its kinds as it helps in both balance assessment as well as training. Training can be initiated in early stage after can neurological insult with overhead body harness support, thus ensuring early mobilization and reduce the length of stay.

Body-Weight Support Treadmill Gait Training System (BWSTT)

Conventionally standing and walking training is delayed after stroke or any other cause of paralysis, as patient has to regain sufficient muscle power and endurance to stand. This delay is overcome by a simple innovation called as body weight supported treadmill training. In the technique, patient is made to stand on a treadmill with an overhead harness providing body weight support. The treadmill gives the stance phase and a therapist push the foot forward providing swing phase of gait. Thus gait training can be started as soon as possible after any neurological illness. This is an example of task oriented training enhancing locomotor recovery.

Aqua Treadmill

An aqua treadmill is a treadmill submerged in water that comprises of an exercise chamber and a water reservoir. Since water is much more viscous than air, the water in the reservoir provides resistance throughout the exercise session and in all areas of movement, thus providing a hydrokinetic exercise. With an aqua treadmill, it is possible to prescribe therapeutic exercises at a relatively vigorous and intense level within a very protective environment.

The aqua treadmill offers walking, back stepping and retro walking exercise. The water depth in the reservoir can be adjusted from a maximum of 48 inches down to four inches, allowing the patient to progress from minimal weight bearing to normal weight bearing. It also has a resting seat within the device and is equipped with underwater lights.

Video Nystagmography (VNG)

VNG is a study used to clinically evaluate patients with dizziness, vertigo, or balance dysfunction. It provides an objective assessment of the oculomotor and vestibular systems. The vestibular system monitors the position and movements of the head to stabilize retinal images. This information is integrated with the visual system and spinal afferents in the brain stem to produce the vestibuloocular reflex (VOR). Essentially, the standard ENG test battery consists of the following 3 parts: Oculomotor evaluation, positioning / positional testing, caloric stimulation of the vestibular system. This helps in differentiating between central and peripheral causes of vertigo, performing corrective maneuvers for vertigo and vestibular training for reducing nystagmus.

EMG Biofeedback

EMG stands for electromyography, measures the electrical response of the muscles when contracting. The electrical response is measured with pads placed on the skin and results are displayed visually and/or indicated by a tone sound. By indirectly measuring muscle contraction, allows the user to see and/or hear their level of muscular tension. EMG biofeedback produces more rapid and significantly greater development of strength when combined with more traditional form of strength training. It is used for muscle reeducation and strengthening in stroke patients, rehabilitation following surgery or trauma, selective training of a particular muscle after injury and to remediate neck, scapular and lower back pain.

Human Performance Evaluation (VO2 Max)

VO2 max (also maximal oxygen consumption or maximum aerobic capacity) is the maximum capacity of an individuals body to transport and utilize oxygen during incremental exercise, which reflects the physical fitness of the individual. It involves a graded exercise test (either on treadmillor cycle ergometer) in which exercise intensity is progressively increased while measuring ventilation and oxygen and carbon dioxide concentration of the inhaled and exhaled air. VO2max is reached when oxygen consumption remains at steady state despite an increase in workload. This is utilized in planning cardiopulmonary and sports rehabilitation programs.

Modified Barium Swallow (Videofluoroscopy)

Dysphagia is common in various neurological diseases, head and neck cancer, and aging. Neurogenic dysphagia commonly goes undetected and is often not treated due to the fact that its diagnosis is restricted to bedside assessment. Modified Barium Swallow with Videofluoroscopy allows direction visualization of the swallowing structures during swallowing process that cannot always be accurately determined bedside. The intention of the modified barium swallow is to understand the individuals swallowing function and the problems the patient is experiencing due to that. The goal is to decide when is the patient safe to swallow and to evaluate the efficacy of therapeutic strategies. The patients response to these therapeutic strategies provides crucial information in the management of the swallowing dysfunction.