Stroke Awareness

Oct 29th, 2022

Archive for October, 2022

Stroke Awareness

Saturday, October 29th, 2022

Stroke is one of the leading causes of death and disability in India, which accounts for 60% of all stroke patients globally. A stroke happens when the blood supply to the brain is interrupted or reduced due to a blockage or leak in the blood arteries. When this occurs, the brain’s cells begin to deteriorate because it is not getting enough nourishment or oxygen. The brain’s blood supply is reduced or blocked during a stroke. A person experiencing a stroke needs prompt emergency treatment. Every year, 1.8 million people in India experience a stroke, and only early treatment can lower morbidity and mortality caused by this disease.

Types of Stroke

Stroke is a cerebrovascular disease. This indicates that it has an impact on the blood arteries that carry oxygen to the brain. Damage could begin if the brain does not get sufficient oxygen.Even while many strokes are curable, others can be fatal or leave a person disabled.

There are three main types of stroke:

  • Ischemic stroke
    This is the most common type of stroke, where a blood clot prevents blood and oxygen from reaching an area of the brain.
  • Hemorrhagic stroke
    This type of stroke occurs when a blood vessel ruptures.
  • Transient ischemic attack (TIA)
    This occurs when blood flow to a part of the brain is insufficient for a brief period of time. Also called ministroke, the normal blood flow resumes after a short amount of time, and the symptoms resolve without treatment.

Symptoms of Stroke

A stroke is a medical emergency, so the sooner you receive care, the better. The long-term effects of a stroke might differ from person to person depending on the type of stroke and the part of the brain that is damaged. It may lead to:

  • Cognitive symptoms like memory problems and trouble speaking
  • Physical symptoms such as vision changes, headache and difficulty swallowing
  • Emotional symptoms like depression

Watch out for these F.A.S.T. warning signs of a Stroke:

  • F – Face drooping
  • A – Arm weakness
  • S – Slurred speech
  • T – Time to call the Emergency services

Without oxygen, every second counts, and brain cells start to perish within minutes. When brain tissue dies, the portions of the body it controls won’t function properly. As a result, the leading cause of long-term disability is stroke. Brain damage can be stopped by clot-busting medications, but they must be administered quickly — often within three hours of the onset of symptoms.

Stroke Rehabilitation

A stroke can have serious cognitive and emotional impact on the patient. Neuropsychologists and rehabilitation psychologists can perform screenings for these issues and establish a plan to enhance cognitive performance and foster resilience in the face of potential long-term lifestyle changes. Working with a patient to execute a variety of actions, including walking or combing hair, during physical and occupational therapy can help identify which parts of the brain are impaired. Speech-language therapy is crucial for patients who have trouble swallowing due to stroke or aftereffects of having a breathing tube.

Stroke Prevention

When it comes to preventing a stroke, simple lifestyle changes can make all the difference. Here are important changes in your lifestyle that can help reduce your risk of getting a stroke:

  • Move more
  • Stop smoking
  • Eat more vegetables
  • Avoid alcohol
  • Control blood pressure
  • Control cholesterol levels
  • Maintain a healthy weight
  • Control your diabetes
  • Treat atrial fibrillation

Stroke care at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai has established a comprehensive stroke care programme for the management of acute and chronic stroke patients. The Code Stroke Plan includes stroke ambulance, emergency care services, neuro-imaging, neurological intensive care unit, neuro-intervention services, neurosurgical services, and a dedicated stroke unit. Our team offers comprehensive acute neurointervention services under highly trained experts. The Centre for Neurosciences has conducted over 1500 brain surgeries for stroke in the past with successful outcomes. Further we also offer a Stroke rehabilitation program that provides an optimal environment for recovery, functional improvement, and reduction in secondary complications and disability.

Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital (KDAH) is one of the only private hospitals in Mumbai and more so in Western India to have a comprehensive Level-1 Accident & Emergency Department (A&E) for patient care, training and research. The Trauma Centre is reputed to respond the fastest in times of a stroke, which ensures higher recovery chances. If you believe you or someone you know is having a stroke – call our emergency services on 022 42699999 immediately. Making the decision to call for medical help can make the difference in avoiding a lifelong disability. Please find below the link to our website:

Celebrate a Happy and Healthy Diwali

Friday, October 21st, 2022

Diwali, the festival of lights and joy is here. Families get together and enjoy themselves during these auspicious days. It’s time to share sweets, gifts and light diyas. While you are busy enjoying this festival of joy and togetherness, you need to watch out for a few things that can harm your health. This is especially true for cardiac patients, asthmatics, pregnant women, infants, heart patients and diabetics. You are exposed to fire, smoke, and significant amounts of high-calorie foods that are rich in oil, salt and sugar. You must take some health precautions while enjoying the festive days. Follow these helpful tips to stay happy and safe this Diwali:

Healthy Diwali tips:

Here are a few useful tips for you and your family to have a healthy Diwali:

  • Stop use of Crackers
    Noise pollution and air pollution has been increasing in India over the years and we must take corrective action together to reduce it. High decibel sounds can have major health complications for children, pregnant women and the elderly. Fireworks in the sky make for a beautiful sight but they also emit harmful fumes that can lead to many respiratory ailments and especially harm asthmatics, young children and the elderly. So, let’s take a pledge to be a more responsible citizen and scale down on noise and air pollution. Celebrate a cracker-free Diwali.
  • Keep yourself hydrated
    The weather is very humid now-a-days. Further people also eat many heavy food items during the festive days. It is important to flush out toxins that are accumulated by eating unhealthy sweets and snacks by drinking enough water. You can also sip on nimbu paani, chaas, coconut water and fresh fruit juices.
  • Get enough sleep
    Even though Diwali is celebrated in the evening, sometimes the festivities last well past midnight. You might sleep less as a result of this upsetting your regular sleep pattern and lead to weariness, mood changes, and tiredness. Make sure you get enough sleep during Diwali. Cover-up with an afternoon nap next day to ensure that you get your recommended amount of sleep for the day.
  • Use Anti-Pollution masks
    During Diwali days, the pollution levels rise to excessively dangerous levels. This can have adverse effects on patients with chronic lung diseases, COPD, asthma, etc. As a precaution use a face mask that covers your nose and mouth to limit exposure to pollutants.
  • Avoid alcohol
    Diwali is a time for many get-togethers with family and friends, card games, etc. and can include alcohol consumption too. Excessive alcohol intake is injurious to your health, makes you dehydrated and also leaves you with a hangover. Say “No” to alcohol.
  • Supervise for safety!
    Children must be under strict supervision by adults especially while bursting crackers and also when they are around diyas. It is recommended to wear safe cotton clothes instead of heavy fabrics. Keep a first-aid kit handy around you to handle any untoward emergency.
  • Eat healthy
    Diwali is filled with fried snacks, sugar-rich mithaais and ghee-laden consumables. However, these items contain a very high amount of calories which aren’t good for health and may raise your blood sugar or blood pressure levels. Follow these healthy eating tips:
  • Practice portion control at all times.
  • Consume sweets that are prepared using natural sweeteners.
  • Avoid drinking aerated drinks and packaged juices.
  • Avoid sweets made of white flour.
  • Have more probiotics to aid better digestion.
  • While socializing always opt to finish the meal in one go, and not to eat in small intervals.

This Diwali don’t let your diet plans ruin your festivities or your celebrations ruin your diet. Moderation is the key in everything you eat. Wishing you and your family a Happy and Healthy Diwali! The team at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital, Mumbai is always available for any kind of medical requirements on all festive days. Reach out to our team at the below link:

How to manage Arthritis

Tuesday, October 11th, 2022

More than 18 crore Indians suffer from arthritis, which is the leading cause of joint pain, mobility problems, and discomfort among women. Over 14% of Indians seek medical attention each year for this joint issue. Age-related degenerative arthritis, which involves cartilage degeneration (wear and tear) and can affect any joint, including the knee, is the most prevalent type of arthritis found in India. While osteoarthritis remains the most common form of arthritis, other common joint conditions affecting Indians include gout and rheumatoid arthritis. Poor nutrition, obesity and a deficiency in vitamin D levels are the main cause behind this condition which affects more women than men.

What is Arthritis?

Arthritis is a common disorder that affects your joints, causes pain and inflammation, making it difficult to move or stay active. Arthritis comes in a variety of forms. More than 100 different diseases and disorders that affect the body’s joints collectively fall under the umbrella term “arthritis.” Each type has unique symptoms and can need a different set of treatments. People of all ages can be affected, and it can range from moderate to severe symptoms. It is a significant source of disability and, if untreated, can lead to:

  • Chronic pain
  • Stiffness or swelling
  • Limb deformities
  • Impaired range of motion

These signs can significantly interfere with your daily life. It might be challenging to learn how to live with arthritis. However, you can manage the symptoms and enhance your quality of life with the right care and therapy from orthopedic specialists. The type of arthritis, personal health requirements, level of pain, and presence of symptoms in other body organs will all influence the treatment.

Lifestyle changes for Arthritis

Maintaining a healthy lifestyle may lower your risk of getting some types of arthritis. Additionally, it can lessen how severe your symptoms are. For instance, being overweight or obese puts more strain on your joints. It might also aggravate the symptoms of arthritis by causing widespread inflammation. These symptoms may be lessened by a healthy weight loss. The first stages in controlling arthritis symptoms frequently involve making healthy lifestyle adjustments. Try to get more sleep, work out frequently, and eat a low-fat, high-fiber diet. Exercise may be very beneficial for easing arthritic symptoms. Low-impact exercise has shown to help strengthen bones and muscles, alleviate pain and fatigue, and enhance joint mobility.

Managing Arthritis

There are several effective ways to ease the pain of arthritis with medication, exercise and stress reduction techniques. How you manage your arthritis will have a significant impact on how well you recover from your illness and maintain your health. Making good lifestyle decisions and learning how to control the mental and emotional impacts of arthritis are both aspects of self-management. You’ll need to develop a close relationship with your doctors and learn everything you can about your condition. You can successfully control your sickness by practicing these self-management techniques:

  • Keep your joints moving with daily gentle stretches.
  • Engage in non-impact cardio.
  • Strengthen the muscles around a painful joint.
  • Pay attention to your joints, while sitting, standing or engaging in activity.
  • Avoid activities that involve high impact or repetitive motion.
  • Always maintain a good posture.
  • Manage your weight.
  • Know your limits and balance activity and rest.
  • Use the stairs less often.
  • Try cold and heat therapy.
  • Use a mobility aid if required.
  • Quit smoking.
  • Maintain a healthy diet.
  • Take medications if prescribed
  • Remove hazards in your home that could lead to a fall.
  • Improve sleep.

Arthritis Treatment at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital

Experts at our Centre for Bone & Joint offer comprehensive treatment for disorders of the musculoskeletal system that includes arthritis. Our dedicated operation theatres are supported by Computer-Aided Navigation Systems for Joint Replacement & Arthroscopic Surgery that provides superior long-term results. We also offer a Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation Programme that helps our patients recover after a knee replacement surgery. Our Centre for Physical Medicine & Rehabilitation has dedicated areas for instrumented gait and motion analysis, isokinetic multi-joint dynamometer, pneumatic strength training and exercise systems to assist in recovery of arthritis patients. Please find the below the links for further details:

Prioritize your Mental Health

Saturday, October 8th, 2022

Roughly 56 million Indians suffer from depression while 38 million suffer from some anxiety disorders. Mental health conditions that affect our thoughts, feelings, and behaviours include depression and anxiety. More than 200 different types of mental illnesses exist. Did you know that it may take years for someone to receive an appropriate diagnosis and treatment after they first experience mental health issues? It is time to spread awareness about mental health disorders, remove the stigma around it, discuss more of it and get closer to achieve the theme of World Mental Health Day 2022 ‘Making mental health and well-being for all a global priority’.

What is Mental Health?

Mental health is influenced by several social and environmental factors that interact with our own biological predisposition and family circumstances. It affects how you feel, act, think, and interact with others. How you handle stress is also influenced by your mental health. Mental health conditions are disturbances in a person’s thinking, feeling, or behaviour and may also disrupt your professional, social, family activities. Mental health conditions are like any other physical disorder and need appropriate medical care. Symptoms of mental health disorders usually improve with treatment, which may include medication, psychotherapy, alternative therapies, etc.

Signs of a Mental Health disorder

One out of every five people may suffer from a mental illness. Mental illness can strike anyone, whether they are young or old. It may have an impact on your thoughts and actions. Anxiety, depression, addiction, eating disorders, and schizophrenia are a few examples of common mental illnesses. Numerous mental illnesses can seriously impair a person’s capacity to carry out daily activities including working, studying, or maintaining their quality of life. The majority of the time, psychotherapy and medicine can be used to control the symptoms of mental diseases. Some signs that indicate a mental health disorder include:

  • Long-lasting sadness or irritability
  • Extreme changes in moods
  • Social withdrawal
  • Changes in eating or sleeping pattern
  • Excessive paranoia or worry
  • Inability to concentrate
  • Unnecessary feelings of guilt
  • The tendency to react with violence
  • Paranoia/ Hallucinations
  • Feeling suicidal

Ways to boost your Mental Health

Do you dedicate some time daily to take care of your mental well-being? Managing your feelings and handling everyday challenges is an important part of staying mentally stable. Keeping your mental health in check may occasionally need seeking help from a mental health specialist. However, apart from that here are the essential steps to take on a regular basis to improve your mental and emotional wellness:

  • Be physically active
  • Learn new skills
  • Eat healthy
  • Stay connected
  • Practice self-care
  • Sleep well
  • Cope better with stress
  • Avoid alcohol and tobacco
  • Get help when you need

Mental health care at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital

Are you suffering from any mental health related queries or concerns such as anxiety, mood swings, sleep difficulties, depression, death or separation of a loved one? Do not delay seeking help to address your mental health needs. Meet highly trained and compassionate counselors and mental health specialists at our Department of Psychiatry. Please visit the below link for more information:

Breast Cancer: Myths and Facts

Friday, October 7th, 2022

Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women and accounts for 14% of cancers in Indian women. Statistics suggest that this cancer is on the rise, both in rural and urban India and every four minutes, an Indian woman is diagnosed with breast cancer. In 2018 there were 1,62,468 new registered cases and 87,090 reported deaths by breast cancer in India.

In India, the lifetime risk of developing breast cancer is one in twenty-eight women. Higher stages of cancer growth make survival more challenging, and stage 3 and stage 4 breast cancer affect more than 50% of Indian women. Women in India have a low survival rate for breast cancer due to a lack of knowledge and inadequate rates of early detection and diagnosis. Let us understand more about the Myths & Facts surrounding breast cancer in this article.

What is Breast Cancer?

Breast cancer is a condition in which cells start to grow out of control, frequently developing a lump that is obvious upon physical examination. Depending on the kind of breast cells that are harmed, there are many types of breast cancer. One of the most common, invasive ductal carcinoma, relates to cells that grow outside the breast ducts. Depending on the stage of the cancer, each breast cancer case is treated differently.

Common Myths and Facts

Unfortunately, there are a number of breast cancer myths that are completely false. Here, we dispel some widespread misconceptions and presumptions about breast cancer:

Myth: Breast Cancer is always hereditary
Fact: The majority of women who are diagnosed with breast cancer, in reality, do not have any known familial ties. Only 5 to 10% of cases are genetically related. Even though there is a family history of breast cancer, it does not guarantee that a specific person will contract the illness.

Myths: Mammograms are unsafe and painful
Fact: Modern technology means that radiation levels are minimal and safe. The level of discomfort is minimized by modern mammography technology. Women may choose to schedule a mammogram at a different time because their breasts may be sensitive right before or right after menstruation.

Myth: Breast Cancer doesn’t develop in healthy individuals
Fact: People who are fit and live very healthy lifestyles can still develop cancer. Being overweight and eating poorly do raise the risk of developing breast cancer, and taking care of one’s health and keeping a healthy weight improves one’s chances but does not completely eliminate the danger.

Myth: Excess sugar intake can cause Breast Cancer
Fact: Sugar and cancer does not have a direct link. However, a diet high in sugar typically causes weight gain and raises the chance of acquiring a number of malignancies that also include cancer. For a variety of health reasons, people should cut back on processed sugar in their diets, although there is currently insufficient proof that it directly contributes to breast cancer.

Myth: A lump is always a symptom of Breast Cancer
Fact: Breast cancer doesn’t always cause a lump and a lump does not always indicate that a person has the condition. Regular screenings are thus crucial to detect breast cancer. You must consult a doctor if you see something is unusual with your breast.

Myth: Young women do not get Breast Cancer
Fact: Breast cancer is more likely to occur in a woman older than 35, however it can also occur in very young women.  Any lump found at any age needs a thorough medical checkup by a doctor.

Myth:  Breast cancer is not painful
Fact: Breast cancer is usually not associated with pain, however some women suffering from breast cancer do experience pain as a symptom. A doctor must thoroughly examine any breast pain.

Myth: Redness, pain or bloody discharge are only signs of mastitis
Fact: Mastitis is a common condition in young mothers, but if the symptoms persist despite receiving antibiotic treatment, the patient should undergo additional testing. Young women with breast cancer may experience similar symptoms to those of mastitis.

Breast Cancer care at Kokilaben Dhirubhai Ambani Hospital

The Comprehensive Breast Care Unit at our Centre for Cancer is a dedicated service that has been created to specifically diagnose and treat conditions affecting the mammary gland. The unit is designed on the guidelines laid down by the European Union Society of Mastology (EUSOMA). Our experienced oncologists offer personalized care using the most advanced technology and high quality expertise. Our team has successfully performed over 3300 breast cancer surgeries. Please find the below link for further details: