Posts Tagged ‘ Smart Goals ’

How to Set Smart Goals and Achieve them

Monday, September 13th, 2021

Do you find it difficult to meet your health objectives year after year? Do your New Year’s resolutions often fail? Achieving health goals about fitness, eating healthy, weight loss, and monitoring your health numbers does not have to be complicated. Choose reachable goals that will have a long-term impact on your everyday behaviours and help you improve your life. Avoid short-term health fads that can’t be maintained for an extended period of time. Forty percent of all chronic diseases can be prevented through a healthy lifestyle, which includes eating a healthy diet and working out regularly.

SMART goals

A good goal-setting strategy is the SMART goal checklist. SMART goals are specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound. If you are looking at being fitter and healthier here are some tips to achieve your goal the SMART way:

  • Specific
    Make your goal very clear and specific. The first step in developing a good habit is to describe exactly what that new habit will be. Instead of saying you will eat more vegetables and fruits, your goal might be to fill 2/3 of your plate with healthy fruits and vegetables at each meal.
  • Measurable
    Is your objective measurable? Keeping track of your progress and holding yourself accountable will help you stay on track. A journal, whether online or on paper, is a great method to keep track of your progress. As a result, you’ll know when you’ve accomplished it. For example, It’s simple to measure if you eat 5 servings of vegetables every day or perform 20 squats every day. Only set targets for which you have a clear measurement criterion.
  • Achievable
    Always choose health goals that you are able to do. Starting a new health program is exciting and it’s easy to get caught up in the wonderful possibilities. It’s easy to get caught up in the exciting prospects of starting a health programme. That’s excellent, but be sure the objectives you’re setting are realistic. Begin slowly and gradually increase the difficulty of your goals.
  • Realistic
    It feels fantastic to achieve your goals, but it feels even worse when you don’t. So, before committing to specific health goals, consider your abilities and commitments. Attempt something difficult but not impossible. If the aim is too easy, you may always change it afterwards. If you start small, you’re more likely to see long-term behaviour change.
  • Timely
    Set a deadline for yourself. A goal isn’t much use if it doesn’t have a deadline. Giving your goals a deadline instills a feeling of urgency and accountability in them.

Healthy Eating

When you’re trying to develop new habits—whether it’s healthy eating, getting more exercise, or quitting smoking—you have a better chance of success if you make a plan ahead of time. Knowing why you want to eat healthier can help you make changes in your eating habits. You may have a family history of certain health conditions, fighting obesity, or want to control your blood pressure or diabetes levels.

Rather than eliminating anything from your diet, try adding something new. Include items that you believe you require more of, such as fruits and vegetables. You may feel starved if you begin by eliminating foods that are heavy in fat or sugar from your diet. This will make it more difficult for you to change. Make a conscious effort to eat more of the healthy meals that you enjoy. Make a list of your favourite foods and see what you can do to make them healthy. Slow, steady steps will set you up for success. Here are some steps to follow:

  • Set your goals
    Write down your goals, and hang them up where you can see them. Reading your goals can be helpful.
  • Track your progress
    Keeping track of your progress using a notebook, journal, or food record helps evaluate your progress from time to time.
  • Think about your barriers
    When you hit a barrier, and most people do – seek support. Talk to your family members and friends to find support and overcome the barriers.

Exercise & Fitness

Research suggests that many people would exercise more and lose weight if they knew how to fit working out into their busy schedules. You know you should exercise more, but that alone isn’t enough to motivate you. Here’s how to plan a workout routine and stick to it.

You know you should exercise more, but that won’t always get you going. Here’s how to devise and stick to an exercise program.

  • Set clear fitness goals
  • Personalizing your exercise goals
  • Choose exercises you enjoy doing
  • Seek help from a professional

Setting SMART objectives for health and fitness means you have clear ideas and are able to focus your efforts. This allows you to manage your time in a way that maximises your return and increases your chances of success. Get started with your health goals today!