All About Strokes

What is a Stroke?

Jul 14th, 2017

Archive for 2017

What is a Stroke?

Friday, July 14th, 2017

A stroke is a brain attack which occurs when blood flow to an area of the brain is cut off. A stroke is also called a cerebrovascular accident, CVA, or a “brain attack.”

When this happens, brain cells are deprived of oxygen and they stop working. This loss of blood supply can be ischemic because of lack of blood flow, or hemorrhagic because of bleeding into brain tissue.

A stroke is a medical emergency because strokes can lead to death or permanent disability. How a person is affected by stroke depends on where the stroke occurs in the brain and how much the brain is damaged. For someone it may be a temporary weakness of an arm or leg and for someone permanent paralysis of one side of their body.

The types of strokes include:

  • Ischemic stroke (part of the brain loses blood flow)
  • Hemorrhagic stroke (bleeding occurs within the brain)
Listed below are stroke symptoms to be watchful and proactive about:
  • Trouble with speaking and understanding. One may experience confusion, slurring of words or have difficulty in understanding speech.
  • Paralysis or numbness of the face, arm or leg.
  • Trouble with seeing in one or both eyes, blurred or blackened vision.
  • Headache. A sudden, severe headache, which may be accompanied by vomiting, dizziness or altered consciousness.
  • Trouble with walking accompanied by dizziness, loss of balance or loss of coordination.

Seek immediate medical attention if you notice any signs or symptoms of a stroke, even if they seem to fluctuate or disappear.

Think “FAST” and do the following:

  • Face. Ask the person to smile. Does one side of the face droop?
  • Arms. Ask the person to raise both arms. Does one arm drift downward? Or is one arm unable to raise up?
  • Speech. Ask the person to repeat a simple phrase. Is his or her speech slurred or strange?
  • Time. If you observe any of these signs, call for the medical emergency services. Don’t wait to see if the symptoms go away. Every minute counts. The longer a stroke goes untreated, the greater the potential for brain damage and disability.
Some factors which can increase your risk of a stroke:
  • Being overweight or obese
  • Physical inactivity
  • Heavy or binge drinking
  • Use of illicit drugs such as cocaine and methamphetamines
  • High blood pressure
  • Cigarette smoking or exposure to secondhand smoke.
  • High cholesterol or Diabetes
  • Cardiovascular disease, including heart failure, heart defects, heart infection or abnormal heart rhythm.
  • Personal or family history of stroke or heart attack
Did you know?
  • From the onset of symptoms, there is only a 3 to 4 1/2 hour window to use clot-busting drugs (thrombolytics) to try to restore blood supply to the affected part of the brain.
In worst scenarios below are some of the complications stroke may cause:
  • Paralysis or loss of muscle movement. You may become paralyzed on one side of your body, or lose control of certain muscles, such as those on one side of your face or one arm.
  • Difficulty in talking or swallowing. A stroke may cause you to have less control over the way the muscles in your mouth and throat move, making it difficult for you to talk clearly (dysarthria), swallow or eat (dysphagia).
  • Memory loss or thinking difficulties. Many people who have had strokes experience some memory loss or have difficulty thinking, making judgments or understanding concepts.
  • Emotional problems. People who have had strokes may have more difficulty controlling their emotions, or they may develop depression.
  • Pain. People who have had strokes may have pain, numbness or other strange sensations in parts of their bodies affected by stroke.

The success of treating these complications varies from person to person.

Do you know someone suffering from stroke? For more details and treatment do visit the below link of our Centre for Neurosciences:

Foods you Must Avoid this Monsoon

Friday, July 7th, 2017

The pleasant climate with the occasional showers makes you crave for some delicious food items. You may feel that now the hot humid days are gone and it is time to relish some savoury foods. You may be yearning for a plate full hot of fried snacks with your evening cup of tea and wouldn’t mind binging on some street food. Sadly, that is far from true. Monsoon is not a season to enjoy heart meals. It is a season filled with infections and diseases. It is important to eat healthy and nutritious meals and stay away from outside foods. Roadside food or meals prepared with low hygiene can hamper your health.

Listing below some precautions to take while relishing food this monsoon :

  • Fresh fruits and their juices may look harmless to you. They are a strict no as vendors have fruits cut up well in advance, which could have come in contact with contaminated air. Always choose fresh juices prepared at home and consume it instantly.
  • Fried food is one of the food items you should absolutely avoid this rainy season. The highly humid monsoon weather causes gastronomical complications like bloating and stomach upset. So as tempting as they look, avoid relishing that spread of pakodas, samosas and kachodi.
  • The next food item is the popular roadside chaat especially the golgappas. The water used may be contaminated with bacteria which can cause severe infection. In fact this is a very common reason of many upset stomachs and food poisoning.
  • Salty foods items are best avoided or eaten in moderation. Consuming too much salt could lead to fluid retention and other uneasy and harmful things such as sluggishness, unnecessary hunger pangs and feeling weighed down. Things may get spoiled further if you are a cholesterol and heart patient.
  • The rains may make you very hungry and you might want to fill yourself with a heavy meal. Surprisingly, it is best to stay light this season. The joy of eating that comforting plate of roadside chola bhatura will only be momentary because of a vulnerable digestive system in the rains.
  • Do not forget to maintain your personal hygiene this season. Eating meals with dirty unwashed hands may spread many germs, always use anti-bacterial solution or soap before every meal.
  • The last in our list, yet the most important of all is contaminated water. Monsoon diseases are mostly waterborne, hence the caution. Always ensure that your water should either be purified or boiled. Ice from non-distilled water, kulfis and golas should be completely avoided.

Avoiding outside food limits your exposure to many germs which may lead to stomach infections. During monsoon it is advisable for the health of your family to have healthy meals. Precaution is always better then cure. Hoping you and your loved ones have a happy and healthy monsoon. Eat healthy and be safe ! In case of any stomach related monsoon ailments please feel free to contact our Gastroenterology department listed below:

Monsoon Health Guide

Wednesday, June 28th, 2017

Monsoon is the season of excitement, fun and cooler temperatures. However, the season also invites a number of health problems. It is important to take proper precautions to avoid falling ill and catching some of the common monsoon diseases. Have a look at our quick Monsoon Health Guide.

Stock up on rainwear

A raincoat with a hooded jacket and waterproof shoes are imperative while outdoors in the rain. This is a simple precaution to avoid getting wet and catching a cold.

Vitamin C

Increasing the intake of Vitamin C either in natural form or as food supplement will help you drive away the cold virus faster. A healthy supply of this vitamin will activate your antibodies and reduce the severity of cold and build your immunity.

Maintain good health and hygiene

Washing off all dirt and bacteria from your body after being outdoors in the rain is essential. This will prevent a buildup of germs on your body and reduce your chance of infections. Using sanitizer and washing your hands regularly is a must.

Consume warm drinks

Beverages like vegetable soup, warm milk, tea etc are perfect for the monsoon. This will keep your warm and reduce the chances of catching any kind of infection that can occur due to a sudden change in the temperature of the body.

Drink plenty of water

Water intake may reduce naturally because of the sudden drop in the temperature of the environment. It is good to drink plenty of water and drain out the toxins from your body.

Watch your nutritional intake

Try to eat nutritious food and avoid eating out during the rainy season. Prepare meals with fresh and clean vegetables and maintain health and hygiene throughout the house.

Immunity-Boosting Foods

Thursday, June 22nd, 2017

Keeping your immune system healthy is very important, especially during the monsoon season. What you eat can majorly influence your immune health. Certain foods may actually decrease your chances of getting sick, while others can help you recover more quickly if you do get ill. Here’s a quick list.

Citrus Fruits

Fruits like oranges and lemons are high in vitamin C, a well-known immunity booster. Vitamin C is recognised for its antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties. It also helps maintain the integrity of your skin, which acts as a protective barrier against infection. In addition, vitamin C acts as an antioxidant, helping protect your immune cells against harmful compounds formed in response to viral or bacterial infections.

Probiotic-Rich Food

Probiotics are beneficial bacteria that live in your gut and help stimulate your immune system. This may reduce the likelihood and severity of your symptoms and help you recover faster when you do fall ill. Great sources of probiotics include naturally fermented pickles, yoghurt and buttermilk.


Vitamin E is key to a healthy immune system. It’s a fat-soluble vitamin, meaning it requires the presence of fat to be absorbed properly. Nuts, such as almonds, are packed with the vitamin and also have healthy fats.


Ginger is rich in gingerol, a bioactive substance thought to help lower the risk of infections. It has antimicrobial properties that may inhibit the growth of several types of bacteria.


Garlic also contains active compounds that may help reduce your risk of infection. For instance, allicin, the main active compound in garlic, improves your immune cells’ ability to fight off colds and the flu. Garlic also has antimicrobial and antiviral properties that may help it fight bacterial and viral infections.


Spinach is packed with numerous antioxidants and beta carotene, which may increase the infection-fighting ability of our immune systems.


Papaya is another fruit loaded with vitamin C. You can find 224 percent of the daily recommended amount of vitamin C in a single papaya. Papayas also have a digestive enzyme called papain that has anti-inflammatory effects. Papayas have decent amounts of potassium, B vitamins, and folate, all of which are beneficial to your overall health.

Sunflower Seeds

Sunflower seeds are full of nutrients, including phosphorous, magnesium, and vitamin B-6. They’re also high in vitamin E, with 82 percent of the daily recommended amount in just a quarter-cup serving. Vitamin E is a powerful antioxidant. It’s important in regulating and maintaining immune system function. Other foods with high amounts of vitamin E include avocados and dark leafy greens.


Honey can help soothe your throat and tone down a nasty cough if you’re already sick. Honey may also help treat indigestion and acid reflux. Instead of spooning table sugar into your coffee, replace it with honey.

Feeding your body certain foods may help keep your immune system strong. For a well-planned diet, perfectly catered to your body’s needs, consult our Nutrition department.

All About Brain Tumours

Thursday, June 15th, 2017

A tumour is a mass of tissue that’s formed by an accumulation of abnormal cells. Normally, the cells in your body age, die and are replaced by new cells. With cancer and other tumours, something disrupts this cycle. Tumour cells grow, even though the body does not need them, and unlike normal old cells, they don’t die. As this process goes on, the tumour continues to grow as more and more cells are added to the mass.

Primary brain tumours emerge from the various cells that make up the brain and central nervous system and are named for the kind of cell in which they first form. The second most common type of adult brain tumours is meningeal tumours. These form in the meninges, the thin layer of tissue that covers the brain and spinal cord.

What’s the Difference Between Benign and Malignant Brain Tumours?

Benign brain tumours are noncancerous. Malignant primary brain tumours are cancers that originate in the brain, typically grow faster than benign tumours, and aggressively invade surrounding tissue. Although brain cancer rarely spreads to other organs, it can spread to other parts of the brain and central nervous system.

Symptoms of a brain tumour

Symptoms of brain tumours depend on the location and size of the tumour. Some tumours cause direct damage by invading brain tissue and some tumours cause pressure on the surrounding brain. You’ll have noticeable symptoms when a growing tumour is putting pressure on your brain tissue.
Headaches are a common symptom of a brain tumour. You may experience headaches that:

  • are worse in the morning when waking up
  • occur while you’re sleeping
  • are made worse by coughing, sneezing, or exercise

You may also experience:

  • vomiting
  • blurred vision or double vision
  • confusion
  • seizures (especially in adults)
  • weakness of a limb or part of the face
  • a change in mental functioning

Other common symptoms include:

  • clumsiness
  • memory loss
  • confusion
  • difficulty writing or reading
  • changes in the ability to hear, taste, or smell
  • decreased alertness, which may include drowsiness and loss of consciousness
  • difficulty swallowing
  • dizziness or vertigo
  • eye problems, such as drooping eyelids and unequal pupils
  • uncontrollable movements
  • hand tremors
  • loss of balance
  • loss of bladder or bowel control
  • numbness or tingling on one side of the body
  • trouble speaking or understanding what others are saying
  • changes in mood, personality, emotions, and behaviour
  • difficulty walking
  • muscle weakness in the face, arm, or leg

Sometimes, you may not have any symptoms to begin with or they may only develop very slowly over time.

Risk Factors

The cause of most brain tumours is unknown, but there are a number of risk factors that may increase your chances of developing a brain tumour.

  • age – the risk of getting a brain tumour increases with age, although some types of brain tumour are more common in children
  • radiation – children who’ve had cancer have a higher risk of getting a brain tumour in later life; adults who’ve had leukaemia or non-Hodgkin lymphoma also have an increased risk
  • radiation – exposure to radiation accounts for a very small number of brain tumours; some types of brain tumour are more common in people who’ve had radiotherapy, CT scans or X-rays to the head
  • family history and genetic conditions – some genetic conditions are known to increase the risk of getting a brain tumour, including tuberous sclerosis, neurofibromatosis type 1, neurofibromatosis type 2 and Turner syndrome
  • HIV or AIDS

If you have a brain tumour, your outlook will depend on a number of factors including:

  • your age
  • the type of tumour you have
  • where it is in your brain
  • how effective the treatment is
  • your general level of health

Generally, around 15 out of every 100 people with a cancerous brain tumour will survive for five years or more after being diagnosed. For more, visit: